Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Julia Ścisłowska | How to tame the Knaster continuum using the ultrafilter orders? | abstract slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Algebraic sums, trees and meager sets in the Cantor space and in the Baire space | abstract slides |
Tomasz Żuchowski | Ideals on ω and Nikodym vs Grothendieck property of Boolean algebras | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | Uncountable ultrahomogeneous structures II | abstract slides |
Will Brian | Automorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 1 | slides |
Will Brian | Automorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 2 | slides |
Will Brian | Automorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 3 | slides |
Balázs Bursics | Hyperfiniteness on topological Ramsey spaces | abstract slides |
David Chodounsky | Closing remarks | |
Aleksander Cieślak | What does it take to destroy an ideal | abstract slides |
Hope Duncan | Inaccessible cardinals without choice | abstract slides |
Lyra Gardiner | Infinite-exponent partition relations on linear orders | abstract slides |
Yusuke Hayashi | Good coloring for stationary list | abstract slides |
Jan Hubička | Big Ramsey degrees – current status and open problems | slides |
Marta Kładź-Duda | Productivity of selective covering properties | abstract slides |
Jerzy Kąkol | On some applications of $\Delta$-spaces and $\Delta_1$-spaces | abstract slides |
Yurii Khomskii | Separating Regularity Properties with the Raisonnier Filter | abstract slides |
Anett Kocsis | Universal graphs under homomorphism | abstract slides |
Gábor Kun | On the measurable Hall condition | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Strongly increasing chains of functions | slides |
Pedro Marun | Labelled Sets | abstract slides |
Łukasz Mazurkiewicz | Fake nulls and meagers in the Baire space | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | On algebraic sums, trees and null sets in the Cantor space and the Baire space | abstract slides |
Adam Morawski | A Small, Unruly Radon–Nikodym Compact Space from a Diamond | abstract slides |
Francesco Parente | Ultrafilters on the Cohen algebra | |
Michał Pawlikowski | Scales and combinatorial covering properties | abstract slides |
Máté Pálfy | Generalized Haar meager sets and related cardinal invariants | abstract slides |
Carlos Adrian Perez Estrada | Subgroups of big mapping class groups that are not extremely amenable | abstract slides |
Daria Perkowska | *operation and microscopic sets | slides |
Robert Ralowski | Peripherally Hausdorff spaces and fixed-point theorem | abstract slides |
Bryant Rosado Silva | Generalized Ważewski dendrites, generic subcontinua and generic chains | abstract slides |
Calliope Ryan-Smith | Local reflections of choice | abstract slides |
Lukas Schembecker | Forcing and combinatorics of Van Douwen families | abstract slides |
Jonathan Schilhan | Hagendorf Orders | |
Šárka Stejskalová | Kurepa and weak Kurepa trees | slides |
Maximilian Strohmeier | Categorical Partite Construction | slides |
Jaro Supina | Slaloms, cardinal invariants, and selection principles | abstract slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Some countable Rado-like graphs via Fraisse limits | abstract slides |
Toshimasa Tanno | Generalized Tukey relation in Solovay model | abstract slides |
Spencer Unger | Equidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 1 | slides |
Spencer Unger | Equidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 2 | slides |
Spencer Unger | Equidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 3 | slides |
Tristan van der Vlugt | Rearrangement & subseries numbers | abstract slides |
Jouko Väänänen | Inner models from extended logics: Part 1 | slides |
Jouko Väänänen | Inner models from extended logics: Part 2 | slides |
Jouko Väänänen | Inner models from extended logics: Part 3 | slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | $E_0$ trees and translations on the lower (finite) Cantor space | |
Takashi Yamazoe | Game-theoretic variants of splitting number | abstract slides |
Krzysztof Zakrzewski | $c_0$-products of function spaces | abstract slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Eggleston meets Mycielski, measure case | abstract slides |
Tomasz Żuchowski | The Nikodym property and filters on $\omega$ | abstract slides |
Serhii Bardyla | Countably compact extensions and cardinal characteristics of the continuum | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | Fraïssé-like constructions of compacta | slides |
Jonathan Cancino Manríquez | A model with p-measures and no p-point | slides |
David Chodounsky | Important closing remarks | slides |
Aleksander Cieślak | Antichain numbers | abstract slides |
Cesar Corral | High dimensional sequential compactness | abstract slides |
Jorge Antonio Cruz Chapital | On gaps, almost disjoint families and a Ramsey ultrafilter. | abstract slides |
Matheus Duzi Ferreira Costa | Generalized Krom spaces and the Menger game | abstract slides |
Curial Gallart Rodríguez | Strong chains of subsets of $\omega_1$ of length $\omega_3$ | abstract slides |
Damian Głodkowski | Epic math battle of history: Grothendieck vs Nikodym - round 2 | abstract slides |
Tatsuya Goto | Keisler's theorem and cardinal invariants at uncoutable cardinals | abstract slides |
Jan Hubicka | Ramsey theorem for trees with sucessor operation | slides |
Klára Karasová | Topological fractals | slides |
Tamás Kátay | Elusive properties of countably infinite graphs | abstract |
Jerzy Kąkol | $\Delta_1$-spaces and Asplund spaces $C_k(X)$ over $\Delta_1$-spaces $X$ | abstract slides |
Maciej Korpalski | Straightening almost chains in P($\omega$) | abstract slides |
Wiesław Kubiś | Uncountable ultrahomogeneous structures | slides |
Borisa Kuzeljevic | Orderings on P-point ultrafilters | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Generalized almost disjoint families and injective Banach spaces | slides |
Arturo Martínez-Celis | Marczewski-like ideals related to superperfect trees. | abstract slides |
Łukasz Mazurkiewicz | Ideal Analytic Sets | abstract slides |
Sandra Müller | Determinacy: Background, Applications, and Connections to Large Cardinals | slides |
Sandra Müller | Determinacy of Long(er) Games | slides |
Sandra Müller | Strong Models of Determinacy | slides |
Marcin Michalski | Eggleston meets Mycielski - category case | abstract slides |
Adam Morawski | Few words on P-measures - almost sigma-additive measures | abstract slides |
Aleksandar Pavlović | Can an ideal give you a maximal space? | abstract slides |
Daria Perkowska | Non-meager filters | abstract slides |
Beatrice Pitton | The SLO principle for Borel subsets of the generalized Cantor space | abstract slides |
Robert Ralowski | The Baire theorem, an analogue of the Banach fixed point theorem | abstract slides |
Calliope Ryan-Smith | Upwards homogeneity of symmetric extensions | slides |
Kamil Ryduchowski | Lusin sets and uncountable Auerbach systems | abstract slides |
Šárka Stejskalová | Forcing over a free Suslin tree | slides |
Juris Steprāns | Introduction to P-points and related ultrafilters | slides |
Juris Steprāns | Models of set theory without P-points | slides |
Juris Steprāns | Towards controlling the structure of the set of P-points | slides |
Corey Switzer | On Generic Independent Families | abstract slides |
Tristan van der Vlugt | Combinatorial κ-reals in the higher Baire space | abstract slides |
Zoltán Vidnyánszky | Complexity and Borel Combinatorics I | |
Zoltán Vidnyánszky | Complexity and Borel Combinatorics II | |
Zoltán Vidnyánszky | Complexity and Borel Combinatorics III | slides |
Thilo Weinert | On the binary linear ordering | abstract slides |
Agnieszka Widz | Epic math battle of history: Grothendieck vs Nikodym - round 1 | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Dualizing the distributivity number h? | slides |
Takashi Yamazoe | Cichoń's maximum with evasion number | abstract slides |
Krzysztof Zakrzewski | Function spaces on Corson-like compacta | abstract slides |
Andy Zucker | Big Ramsey degrees and dynamics I | slides |
Andy Zucker | Big Ramsey degrees and dynamics II | slides |
Andy Zucker | Big Ramsey degrees and dynamics III | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Rectangle inside | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | Constructing compacta from relations between finite graphs | slides |
Mariam Beriashvili | On some methods of extending measures | abstract slides |
Rodrigo Carvalho | Partitons in topological spaces and guessing principles | abstract slides |
David Chodounsky | Important closing remarks | slides |
Aleksander Cieślak | Trees, Marczewski ideals and Cohen reals | slides |
Clinton Conley | Treeable equivalence relations 1 | |
Clinton Conley | Treeable equivalence relations 2 | |
Clinton Conley | Treeable equivalence relations 3 | |
Clinton Conley | Treeable equivalence relations 4 | |
Matheus Duzi Ferreira Costa | Infinitely ludic categories | abstract slides |
Michał Dybowski | The Axiom of Choice and maximal $\delta$-separated sets | abstract slides |
Azul Lihuen Fatalini | Partitioning $\mathbb{R}^3$ in unit circles | abstract slides |
Ido Feldman | Sums of triples in Abelian groups | abstract slides |
Vera Fischer | Combinatorial Sets of Reals 1 | slides |
Vera Fischer | Combinatorial Sets of Reals 2 | slides |
Vera Fischer | Combinatorial Sets of Reals 3 | slides |
Maciej Korpalski | Countable discrete extensions of compact lines | slides |
Ziemowit Kostana | Topological universality of the automorphism groups of uncountable Fraisse limits | abstract slides |
Kacper Kucharski | Some remarks on the projective properties of Menger and Hurewicz | abstract slides |
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska | Compact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 1 | slides |
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska | Compact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 2 | slides |
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska | Compact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 3 | slides |
Adam Marton | Smallest subfamilies of meager ideals ensuring P-like properties | abstract slides |
Łukasz Mazurkiewicz | Ideal analytic sets | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | Square inside | abstract slides |
Aleksandar Pavlović | On weaker types of continuity with a little help of ideals | abstract slides |
Robert Ralowski | Group actions on Polish spaces | abstract slides |
Assaf Rinot | Club-Guessing 1 | slides |
Assaf Rinot | Club-Guessing 2 | slides |
Assaf Rinot | Club-Guessing 3 | slides |
Kamil Ryduchowski | On antiramsey colorings and geometry of Banach spaces | abstract slides |
Salvatore Scamperti | Injective Continuous Reduction on the Borel subsets of the Baire space. | abstract slides |
Lukas Schembecker | Universally Sacks-indestructible combinatorial families of reals | abstract slides |
Roy Shalev | The small Dowker space problem | abstract slides |
Damian Sobota | Random forcing, convergence of measures, and cofinality of Boolean algebras | slides |
Šárka Stejskalová | Guessing models and forcing axioms | slides |
Dávid Uhrik | The Uncountable Hadwiger Conjecture and Non-special Trees | abstract |
Thilo Weinert | On Wetzelian problems | abstract |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Branches through and games on base matrices | |
Krzysztof Zakrzewski | On $\kappa$-Corson compact spaces and related classes of compact spaces | abstract slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Claudio Agostini | A characterization of metrizability through games | abstract slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Nonmeasurable unions, around Fremlin-Todorcevic theorem | slides |
Adam Bartoš | KPT for weak Ramsey categories | abstract slides |
Jonathan Cancino Manríquez | There may be no $\mathscr{I}$-ultrafilter for any $F_\sigma$ ideal $\mathscr{I}$ | slides |
Aleksander Cieślak | Tree ideal of full-splitting Miller trees | slides |
Noé de Rancourt | A dichotomy for countable unions of smooth Borel equivalence relations. | abstract slides |
Azul Lihuen Fatalini | Partitions of $\mathbb{R}^3$ in unit circles and the Axiom of Choice | abstract slides |
Damian Głodkowski | $\sigma$-ideals generated by hyperplanes of Banach spaces | abstract |
Jan Hubička | Big Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 1 | slides |
Jan Hubička | Big Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 2 | slides |
Jan Hubička | Big Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 3 | slides |
Martina Iannella | Convex embeddability on linear/circular orders and connections to knot theory | abstract slides |
Jerzy Kąkol | On $\Delta$-spaces $X$ and their characterization in term of spaces $C_{p}(X)$ | abstract slides |
Yurii Khomskii | Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory | abstract slides |
Marlene Koelbing | Special Aronszajn trees and Kurepa trees | abstract slides |
Konrad Krolicki | Limits of weighted hyperfinite graphs | abstract slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Part 1: One-dimensional nontrivial coherent families | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Part 2: Homological origins | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Part 3: Higher dimensions | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Problem Session | slides |
Arkady Leiderman | Dense metrizable subspaces in powers of Corson compacta | abstract slides |
Mateusz Lichman | Free group of Hamel functions | abstract slides |
Adam Marton | Partitions and P-like ideals | abstract slides |
Łukasz Mazurkiewicz | Modifications of Lusin's example $\mathbf{\Sigma}_1^1$-complete set | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | Smital properties of Fubini products of $\sigma$-ideals | abstract slides |
Lorenzo Notaro | Tree-representations of Borel functions in the Baire space | abstract slides |
Moreno Pierobon | Fullness and mixing property for boolean valued models in terms of sheaves and bundles | abstract slides |
Beatrice Pitton | Borel and Borel* sets in generalized descriptive set theory | abstract slides |
Svilen Popov | On the dependence and the equivalences between algebraic and topological properties of C*-algebras and their module categories, and combinatorial principles extending ZFC | abstract slides |
Tommaso Russo | Hunting vector spaces inside non-linear objects | abstract slides |
Marcin Sabok | Hyperfinite graphs 1 | slides |
Marcin Sabok | Hyperfinite graphs 2 | slides |
Marcin Sabok | Hyperfinite graphs 3 | slides |
Juan Manuel Santiago Suárez | Boolean valued semantics for infinitary logics | abstract slides |
Salvatore Scamperti | The Wadge Hierarchy on 0-dimensional Polish space | abstract slides |
Damian Sobota | Convergence of measures and filters on $\omega$ | abstract |
Šárka Stejskalová | Indestructibility of the tree property over models of PFA | abstract slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Continuity of coordinate I-projections via large cardinals | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Some Results in Ordinal Ramsey Theory | abstract slides |
Agnieszka Widz | Special families of magic sets | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Distributivity spectra and fresh functions | abstract slides |
Ondřej Zindulka | Strong Measure Zero | slides |
Ondřej Zindulka | Galvin-Mycielski-Solovay Theorem and Its Pitfalls | slides |
Ondřej Zindulka | Meager-additive sets | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Claudio Agostini | On a class of Polish-like spaces | abstract slides |
Antonio Avilés | Compact spaces of the first Baire class | slides |
Viera Šottová | Selection principle $\mathrm{S}_1(\mathcal{P},{\mathcal{R}})$ and the cardinal invariant $\lambda(h,\mathcal{J})$ | slides |
Adam Bartoš | A category-theoretic framework for Fraïssé theory | abstract slides |
Mariam Beriashvili | The Uniform Subsets of the Euclidean Plane | abstract slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Large cardinal axioms in category theory | slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Large cardinal axioms in category theory II | slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Large cardinal axioms in category theory and its applications III | slides |
César Corral | Frechet-like properties and almost disjoint families. | abstract slides |
Jorge Antonio Cruz Chapital | Extensions of weak continuous selections. | abstract slides |
Márton Elekes | Problems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes I | |
Márton Elekes | Problems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes II | |
Márton Elekes | Problems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes III | |
Yaroslav Grushka | On existence of one-point time on an oriented set | abstract slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | On $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ I | slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | On $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ II | slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | On $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ III | slides |
Mario Jardón | Partitions on free products of two infinite Boolean Algebras | abstract slides |
José Kling | A topological game on the space of ultrafilters | abstract slides |
Marlene Koelbing | The distributivity spectrum | |
Wiesław Kubiś | Universality and weak amalgamations | slides |
Maxwell Levine | Compactness and Incompactness on Singular Cardinals | abstract slides |
Arturo Martínez-Celis | Reaping and Rosenthal families. | slides |
Andrea Medini | Topological applications of Wadge theory I | slides |
Andrea Medini | Topological applications of Wadge theory II | slides |
Andrea Medini | Topological applications of Wadge theory III | slides |
Veronika Pitrová | Closed hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of Tychonoff spaces | abstract slides |
Jonathan Schilhan | The tower spectrum | abstract slides |
Olga Sipacheva | Countable and uncountable extremally disconnected groups and related ultrafilters | abstract slides |
Jaroslav Supina | Ideal pseudointersection numbers | slides |
Jonathan Verner | The last talk | slides |
Magdalena Włudecka | Unbounded towers and products. | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | The distributivity spectrum | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Viera Šottová | The first sketch: $\mathcal{N}$ with respect to ideals on $\omega$ | slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Superperfect Mycielski | slides |
Serhii Bardyla | Dense and closed subsets of compact-like topological spaces | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | Crookedness and almost homogeneity in categories of compacta | abstract slides |
Judyta Bąk | On the productivity of the countable chain condition | slides |
Mariam Beriashvili | Applications of Mazurkiewicz type sets in the study of measurability properties of sets and functions | abstract slides |
José Antonio Corona | Open colorings | abstract slides |
Cesar Corral | Uniformization properties of ladder systems under MA(S) | abstract slides |
James Cummings | Singular cardinal combinatorics 1 | slides |
James Cummings | Singular cardinal combinatorics 2 | slides |
James Cummings | Singular cardinal combinatorics 3 | slides |
Matheus Duzi Ferreira Costa | Topological Games of Bounded Selections | abstract slides |
Mirna Dzamonja | Logics compact at singular cardinals | slides |
Monroe Eskew | Elementary embeddings and correctness | abstract slides |
Miha Habič | Some results on ultrapower capturing | abstract slides |
K P Hart | You Choose | abstract slides |
Radek Honzik | Projective wellorder and the tree property | abstract slides |
Miroslav Hušek | Large cardinals in general topology 1 | slides |
Miroslav Hušek | Large cardinals in general topology 2 | slides |
Miroslav Hušek | Large cardinals in general topology 3 | slides |
Eliza Jabłońska | On $n$-fold sum of a non-flat continuum | abstract slides |
Michał Korch | Generalized Egorov's statement for ideals | abstract slides |
Ziemowit Kostana | On countably saturated linear orders | abstract slides |
Wiesław Kubiś | Generic structures 1 | slides |
Wiesław Kubiś | Generic structures 2 | slides |
Wiesław Kubiś | Generic structures 3 | slides |
Andrzej Kucharski | On some properties of a base. | abstract slides |
Ashutosh Kumar | Order dimension of Turing degrees | slides |
Borisa Kuzeljevic | A long chain of P-points | abstract slides |
Arkady Leiderman | Quotients of free topological groups | abstract slides |
Jordi Lopez-Abad | Extremely amenable automorphism groups 1 | slides |
Jordi Lopez-Abad | Extremely amenable automorphism groups 2 | slides |
Jordi Lopez-Abad | Extremely amenable automorphism groups 3 | slides |
Marcin Michalski | Smital and Fubini among trees | abstract slides |
Kaethe Minden | Maximality and Resurrection | abstract slides |
Nenad Morača | Variations of reversibility | abstract slides |
Sonia Navarro Flores | Borel ideals and Ramsey spaces | abstract slides |
José de Jesús Pelayo Gómez | Between Hausdorff and Selective | slides |
Veronika Pitrová | Hereditary (bi)coreflective subcategories in certain categories of semitopological groups | abstract slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | Small almost disjoint families and their applications | abstract slides |
Márk Poór | Sets on the plane meeting every line in a set of measure 1 | abstract slides |
Robert Ralowski | Continunous images of Bernstein sets | slides |
Jonathan Schilhan | Definability aspects of ultrafilters | slides |
Damian Sobota | On the Josefson-Nissenzweig theorem for C(K)-spaces | abstract slides |
Šárka Stejskalová | Indestructibility of the tree property | abstract slides |
Jaroslav Supina | On a level measure | slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Haar-small sets in Polish groups | slides |
Dorottya Sziráki | The Open Dihypergraph Dichotomy for Definable Subsets of Generalized Baire Spaces | abstract slides |
Alessandro Vignati | Heavy lifting | abstract slides |
Magdalena Włudecka | Products of gamma sets | abstract slides |
Thilo Weinert | Polarised Partition Relations for Order Types | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | A Sacks amoeba preserving distributivity of $P(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}$ | slides |
Rafael Zamora | Generics in a measurable wreath product | abstract slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Leandro Aurichi | Some games and their topological consequences 1 | slides |
Leandro Aurichi | Some games and their topological consequences 2 | slides |
Leandro Aurichi | Some games and their topological consequences 3 | slides |
Viera Šottová | wQN-space and ideal coverings of X | slides |
Taras Banakh | A parallel metrization theorem | abstract slides |
Serhii Bardyla | On locally compact semitopological graph inverse semigroups | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | Compactifiability and Borel complexity up to equivalence | abstract slides |
Wojciech Bielas | Separation axiom for regular closed sets | slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Products of CW complexes | abstract slides |
Noé de Rancourt | Approximate Gowers spaces | slides |
Stamatis Dimopoulos | Cardinal characteristics and strong compactness | abstract slides |
Monroe Eskew | Rigid collapse | abstract slides |
Saeed Ghasemi | Almost disjoint families and C*-algebras | abstract slides |
Michał Tomasz Godziszewski | Truth theories and satisfaction classes over models of set theory | slides |
Martin Goldstern | Cichoń's Maximum | abstract slides |
Miha Habič | Surgery and nonamalgability for Cohen reals | slides |
Joel David Hamkins | Set-theoretic potentialism 1 | slides |
Joel David Hamkins | Set-theoretic potentialism 2 | slides |
Joel David Hamkins | Set-theoretic potentialism 3 | slides |
Eliza Jabłońska | On Steinhaus properties and families of "small" sets | slides |
Asaf Karagila | TBD | slides |
Olena Karlova | Almost strongly zero-dimensional spaces | abstract |
Michał Korch | Special subsets of the generalized Cantor space $2^\kappa$ | abstract slides |
Ziemowit Kostana | Non-measurability of the algebraic sums of sets of real numbers | abstract slides |
Wieslaw Kubis | The weak amalgamation property | slides |
Ondřej Kurka | Large separated sets of unit vectors in Banach spaces of continuous functions | abstract slides |
Adam Kwela | Ideal weak QN-spaces | slides |
Marta Kwela | Ideals of nowhere dense sets in some topologies on integers | slides |
Maxwell Levine | Forcing Square Sequences | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | Luzin and Sierpiński sets meet trees | abstract slides |
Heike Mildenberger | Block Sequences with Projections into a Sequence of Happy Families | abstract slides |
Kaethe Minden | Subcomplete Forcing, Trees, and Generic Absoluteness | slides |
Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk | Upper Namioka property of multi-valued mappings | abstract slides |
Itay Neeman | Higher analogues of PFA 1 | slides |
Itay Neeman | Higher analogues of PFA 2 | slides |
Itay Neeman | Higher analogues of PFA 3 | slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | Mardesic problem on products of compact lines | slides |
Robert Rałowski | Nonmeasurable images in Polish space with respect to $\sigma$-ideals with Borel base | slides |
Jonathan Schilhan | The generalized meager ideal and clubs | slides |
Olga Sipacheva | Boolean topological groups and ultrafilters | abstract slides |
Damian Sobota | Grothendieck C(K)-spaces of small density | abstract slides |
Filip Strobin | Compact scattered spaces as attractors of generalized IFSs | abstract slides |
Jaroslav Supina | Cardinal characteristic of ideals and three selection principles | slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Haar-small sets | slides |
Jonathan Verner | The Last Talk | slides |
Alessandro Vignati | Triviality and nontriviality of homeomorphisms of Čech–Stone remainders | abstract slides |
Thilo Weinert | Thoughts on density points | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Non-stationary topology on $2^\kappa$ | abstract slides |
Shuguo Zhang | A non-Hurewicz set of reals of size $\mathfrak d$ with all its powers Menger | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
David Asperó | Side conditions and (iterated) forcing I | slides |
David Asperó | Side conditions and (iterated) forcing II | slides |
David Asperó | Side conditions and (iterated) forcing III | slides |
Szymon Żeberski | Invariant sigma-ideals with analytic base on good Cantor measure spaces | abstract slides |
Joan Bagaria | An Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets I | slides |
Joan Bagaria | An Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets II | slides |
Joan Bagaria | An Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets III | slides |
Taras Banakh | The Interplay between two generalizations of first-countability | abstract slides |
Serhii Bardyla | On the semitopological locally compact $\alpha$-bicyclic monoid | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | On maximal connected I-spaces | abstract slides |
Judyta Bąk | Domain representable spaces and topological games | slides |
Mariam Beriashvili | On some paradoxical point sets in different models of set theory | abstract slides |
Jana Blobner | Ultrafilters and divergent series | slides |
Christina Brech | Generalizing Schreier families to large index sets I | slides |
Christina Brech | Generalizing Schreier families to large index sets II | slides |
Christina Brech | Generalizing Schreier families to large index sets III | slides |
Tomasz Cieśla | A filter on a collection of finite sets. A non-bisequential Eberlein compactum. | slides |
Sakae Fuchino | Reflection cardinals of coloring of graphs | abstract slides |
Szymon Głąb | Dense free subgroups of automorphism groups of homogeneous partially ordered sets | abstract slides |
Jan Grebík | Fraïssé-like structures | abstract slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | Linearly ordered splitting families | slides |
K P Hart | Brouwer and cardinalities | abstract slides |
Radek Honzik | Laver indestructibility for cardinals smaller than supercompacts | slides |
Olena Karlova | Extension of Baire-one functions | abstract slides |
Adam Kwela | Ideal equal Baire classes | abstract slides |
Andrew Marks | Geometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory I | slides |
Andrew Marks | Geometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory II | slides |
Andrew Marks | Geometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory III | slides |
Marcin Michalski | Universal sets for $\sigma$-ideals | abstract slides |
Sonia Navarro | Pseudointersection numbers for topological Ramsey spaces | slides |
Magdalena Nowak | Are you self-similar? | abstract slides |
José de Jesús Pelayo Gómez | Ramsey porperties and the Katetov order | slides |
Márk Poór | Answer to a question of Roslanowski and Shelah | abstract slides |
Damian Sobota | The Nikodym property of Boolean algebras and cardinal characteristics of the continuum | abstract slides |
Sarka Stejskalova | The tree property at $\aleph_{\omega+2}$ with a finite gap | abstract slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Introduction to Haar-small sets | slides |
Dorottya Sziráki | Games and perfect independent subsets of the generalized Baire space | abstract slides |
Jacek Tryba | Homogeneity of ideals | abstract slides |
Jonathan Verner | The Last Talk | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Cardinal Characteristics, Partition Properties and Generalised Scattered Orders | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Cofinalities of Marczewski-type ideals | abstract slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Juan Aguilera | The botanics of provability (and $\omega^\omega$ other short stories). | slides |
Szymon Żeberski | An example of a capacity for which all positive Borel sets are thick | slides |
Tomasz Żuchowski | Nonseparable growth of $\omega$ supporting a strictly positive measure | abstract slides |
Taras Banakh | The Steinhaus properties of $\sigma$-ideals on Polish groups | slides |
Hector Alonso Barriga Acosta | On discretely generated box products | abstract slides |
Adam Bartoš | On maximal connected topologies | abstract slides |
Jeffrey Bergfalk | Strong Homology and Set Theory | slides |
Mariam Beriashvili | One Concrete Application of Point Set Theory in Measure Theory | abstract slides |
Filippo Calderoni | On the complexity of embeddability between groups | abstract slides |
Jonathan Cancino-Manríquez | Trees on $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}$ | abstract slides |
Aleksander Cieślak | Filters and sets of Vitali type | slides |
Sakae Fuchino | Reflection numbers under large continuum | abstract slides |
Martin Goldstern | Iterated forcing (CS iterations) | slides |
Martin Goldstern | Iterated forcing 2 (products and halving) | slides |
Martin Goldstern | Iterated forcing 3 (FS iteration, small forcings) | slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | The principle (*) of Sierpinski and a question of Miller | abstract slides |
Jialiang He | Comparison game on trace ideals | abstract slides |
Jacob Hilton | Topological Ramsey theory of countable ordinals | abstract slides |
Radek Honzik | The tree property at the double successor of a singular with larger gap | abstract slides |
Thomas Jech | Measure Algebras 1 | slides |
Thomas Jech | Measure Algebras 2 | slides |
Thomas Jech | Measure Algebras 3 | slides |
Joanna Jureczko | $\kappa$-strong sequences and the existence of generalized independent families | slides |
Vladimir Kanovei | Some applications of finite-support products of Jensen’s minimal $\Delta_3^1$ forcing | abstract slides |
Maria Kidawa | Cube-like comlpexes and Poincare-Miranda Theorem | abstract slides |
Gonzalo Martínez Cervantes | On weakly Radon-Nikodym compact spaces | abstract slides |
Arturo Antonio Martinez Celis Rodriguez | Combinatorics related to the Michael Space problem | abstract slides |
Diego Alejandro Mejía-Guzman | Expected values for the a.d. number and 3D-iterations | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | (Non)measurability of I-Luzin sets | abstract slides |
Diana Carolina Montoya | The ultrafilter number for uncountable $\kappa$. | abstract slides |
Nenad Moraca | Reversibility of relational structures | abstract slides |
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | Recursion in Polish spaces | slides |
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | Effective Borel, analytic and co-analytic pointsets | slides |
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | Structure theory for pointclasses | slides |
Magdalena Nowak | Compact sets in Euclidean spaces as IFS-attractors | abstract slides |
Mikhail Patrakeev | Luzin $\pi$-bases and the foliage hybrid operation | abstract slides |
Aleksandar Pavlović | Local function vs. local closure function | abstract slides |
José de Jesús Pelayo Gómez | A tall ideal in which player II has a winning strategy in the cut and choose game | abstract slides |
Alejandro Poveda | Rosenthal compacta that are premetric of finite degree | abstract slides |
Robert Rałowski | Unions of regular families | slides |
Damian Sobota | Rosenthal families and the Grothendieck property | abstract slides |
Silvia Steila | Systems of Filters | abstract slides |
Jarosław Swaczyna | Some structural properties of ideal invariant injections | abstract slides |
Piotr Szewczak | Products of Menger spaces | abstract slides |
Przemysław Tkacz | The Bolzano property. | abstract slides |
Andrea Vaccaro | $C^*$-algebras and $\mathsf{B}$-names for Complex Numbers | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | No large sets which can be translated away from every Marczewski null set | abstract slides |
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy | Combinatorial covering properties weaker than the $\sigma$-compactness. | slides |
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy | Mathias forcing for filters and combinatorial covering properties | slides |
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy | Hindman and Milliken-Taylor Theorems for topological spaces | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Giorgio Audrito | Resurrection axioms and generic absoluteness | abstract slides |
Jaroslav Šupina | Sequences of continuous and semicontinuous functions | slides |
Tomasz Żuchowski | Tukey types of orthogonal ideals | slides |
Adam Bartoš | Closure schemes on topological spaces | abstract slides |
Will Brian | Ultrafilters on semifilters | abstract slides |
Jonathan Cancino-Manríquez | About the reaping number of dense subsets of the rationals | abstract slides |
Michal Dečo | Ideals related to Laver and Miller trees | slides |
Piotr Drygier | The growth of $\omega$ with positive measure | slides |
Saeed Ghasemi | Isomorphisms between corona algebras of the form $\prod_{n} M_{k(n)}(\mathbb{C})/\bigoplus_{n} M_{k(n)}(\mathbb{C})$ | abstract slides |
Artur Giżycki | Hindman theorem for semigroups | slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | Remarks on Parametrized diamonds | slides |
K P Hart | TBA | abstract slides |
Michał Korch | The class of perfectly null sets and its transitive version | abstract slides |
Konrad Królicki | Some new coanalytic complete collections of continua in cubes | abstract slides |
Wieslaw Kubiś | Banach-Mazur games played with arrows | slides |
Ashutosh Kumar | Avoiding rational distances | abstract slides |
Claude Laflamme | Symmetries of some Homogeneous Structures | slides |
Claude Laflamme | How many siblings do you have? | slides |
Claude Laflamme | Is converging bounded sequences really harder than converging binary sequences? | slides |
Chris Lambie-Hanson | Patterns of stationary reflection | abstract slides |
Robert Leek | The structure of Fréchet-Urysohn and radial spaces | abstract slides |
Arturo Antonio Martinez Celis Rodriguez | Ultrafilters and Michael spaces | slides |
Diego Mejía | Splitting, bounding and almost disjointness number | abstract slides |
Marcin Michalski | Some properties of I-Luzin sets | abstract slides |
David Milovich | Topological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 1 | slides |
David Milovich | Topological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 2 | slides |
David Milovich | Topological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 3 | slides |
Justin T. Moore | Iterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 1 | slides |
Justin T. Moore | Iterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 2 | slides |
Justin T. Moore | Iterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 3 | slides |
Magdalena Nowak | Zero-dimensional spaces as topological and Banach fractals. | abstract slides |
Stuart Nygard | A Survey of the Density Topology on the Reals | abstract slides |
José de Jesús Pelayo Gómez | Borel chromatic numbers | abstract slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | Compactifications of $\omega$ and the Banach space $c_0$ | abstract slides |
Szymon Plewik | Game theoretic approach to skeletally Dugundji and Dugundji spaces | abstract slides |
Robert Ralowski | Some aspects of nonmeasurability with respect to selected $\sigma$-ideals | slides |
Andrzej Roslanowski | Background | slides |
Andrzej Roslanowski | Bounding Properties | slides |
Andrzej Roslanowski | The Last Forcing Standing - with and without diamonds | slides |
Damian Sobota | On Nikodym's Uniform Boundedness Principle | abstract slides |
Silvia Steila | Avoidable polynomials and $\mathbb{R} \subseteq L$ | abstract slides |
Zoltan Vidnyanszky | Ordered sets of Baire class 1 functions | abstract slides |
Julia Wódka | Looking for differences | abstract slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Sacks dense ideals and Marczewski type null ideals | slides |
Teruyuki Yorioka | Fragments of Martin's Axiom and the existence of a non-special Aronszajn tree | abstract slides |
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy | Remainders of topological groups and ultrafilters | slides |
Szymon Zeberski | Mid-point free sets | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Antonio Avilés | Basis problem for analytic multiple gaps I | slides |
Antonio Avilés | Basis problem for analytic multiple gaps II | slides |
Antonio Avilés | Basis problem for analytic multiple gaps III | slides |
Jaroslav Šupina | Ideal versions of wQN-space and QN-space | abstract slides |
Taras Banakh | Pytkeev $\aleph_0$-spaces | slides |
Wojciech Bielas | An example of a rigid superuniversal metric space | slides |
Marek Bienias | Some properties of compact preserving functions | slides |
Christina Brech | On PID and biorthogonal systems | abstract slides |
Jonathan Cancino-Manríquez | Another cardinal invariant for ideals on $\omega$ | abstract slides |
Raphaël Carroy | Ordering functions | abstract slides |
Scott Cramer | Measures and combinatorics on $\lambda^+$ | abstract slides |
Michal Doucha | Universal groups and group structures on the Urysohn space | abstract slides |
Ohad Drucker | Hjorth Analysis of General Polish Group Actions | abstract slides |
Barnabas Farkas | Almost disjoint refinements | abstract slides |
Rafal Filipow | The reaping and splitting numbers of nice ideals | abstract |
Miguel Angel Gaspar Arreola | Minimally generated Boolean algebras and its Stone space | slides |
Jan Grebík | Asymptotic Density in Generic Extensions | slides |
Oleg Gutik | Pseudocompact inverse primitive (semi)topological semigroups | abstract slides |
Osvaldo Guzman | MAD families and ideals | abstract |
KP Hart | Subcontinua of Hstar | abstract slides |
Peter Holy | Simplest Possible Locally Definable Wellorders | abstract slides |
Joanna Jureczko | On some problems concerning strong sequences | slides |
Paweł Klinga | Rearranging series of vectors on a small set | slides |
Wieslaw Kubis | Ultrafilter selection properties | slides |
Adam Kwela | On a new $F_\sigma$ ideal | abstract slides |
Robert Leek | Radiality and compactifications | abstract slides |
Richard Lupton | The Filter Dichotomy | slides |
Arturo Antonio Martínez Celis Rodríguez | Porous sets and Martin numbers. | slides |
Gregory McKay | Abstract well and better quasi-orders. | abstract slides |
Andrea Medini | Seven characterizations of non-meager P-filters | abstract slides |
Jaroslav Nešetřil | Homomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits I | slides |
Jaroslav Nešetřil | Homomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits II | slides |
Jaroslav Nešetřil | Homomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits III | slides |
Honza Pequignot | Wadge hierarchy on second countable spaces | abstract slides |
Max Pitz | Compactifications of $\omega^*\setminus\{x\}$ | abstract slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | On small measures on Boolean algebras and compact spaces | abstract slides |
Dilip Raghavan | Constructing special almost disjoint families I | slides |
Dilip Raghavan | Constructing special almost disjoint families II | slides |
Dilip Raghavan | Constructing special almost disjoint families III | slides |
Ulises Ariet Ramos-García | Extremal disconnectedness and ultrafilters | abstract slides |
Héctor Gabriel Salazar Pedroza | Shelah's Easy Black Box | abstract slides |
Lynn Scow | Ramsey classes of trees | abstract slides |
Damian Sobota | On tightness in the space of measures on Boolean algebras and compact spaces | slides |
Wojciech Stadnicki | Guessing principles in the Mathias model | |
Marcin Staniszewski | On ideal equal convergence | abstract |
Jan Starý | Ultraproduct of measures | |
Filip Strobin | Large free subgroups of automorphisms groups of ultrahomogeneous spaces | abstract slides |
Jonathan Verner | The last talk | slides |
Matteo Viale | Iterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras I | slides |
Matteo Viale | Iterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras II | slides |
Matteo Viale | Iterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras III | slides |
Marta Walczyńska | Embeddability properties of $\sigma$-discrete metrizable spaces | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Partition Relations for Linear Orders in a non-Choice-Context | slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Strong measure zero and meager-shiftable in topological groups |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Antonio Aviles | A new C(K) space with few operators | slides |
Taras Banakh | Solecki submeasures and densities on groups | slides |
Wojciech Bielas | Generating Borel Measurable Functions with Continuous Functions | slides |
Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja | Hausdorff towers and gaps | slides |
Michal Dečo | Strongly Dominating Sets of Reals | slides |
Michal Doucha | Universal structures on the Urysohn universal space | slides |
Ahmad Farhat | Generating compact spaces from trees | slides |
Barnabás Farkas | Representations of ideals in Polish groups and in Banach spaces | slides |
Jana Flašková | Some remarks concerning the van der Waerden ideal | slides |
Kevin Fournier | Wadge Hierarchy of Difference of Analytic sets | slides |
Joanna Garbulińska | Isometric uniqueness of a complementably universal Banach space for Schauder decompositions | slides |
Edward Grzegorek | Outer measure and hull property | slides |
Osvaldo Guzmán González | Namba forcing and set theory of the reals | |
K. P. Hart | Dimension(s) of compact F-spaces | slides |
Michael Hrušák | Forcing with filters and ideals I. | slides |
Michael Hrušák | Forcing with filters and ideals II. | slides |
Michael Hrušák | Forcing with filters and ideals III. | slides |
Joanna Jureczko | On existence of independent sets in partially ordered sets | slides |
Zdzisław Kosztołowicz | Generalizations of Strok-Szymański theorem | slides |
Mikolaj Krupski | Some new observations on the t-equivalence relation | slides |
Wieslaw Kubis | Universal homomorphisms | slides |
Andrzej Kucharski | A normally supercompact Parovicenko space | slides |
Adam Kwela | Ideals represented on Polish spaces | slides |
Arturo Antonio Martínez Celis Rodríguez | Cardinal invariants of porous sets. | slides |
Marta Martynenko | On skeletally factorizable spaces | slides |
Magdalena Nowak | Topological classification of countable IFS-attractors | slides |
Yann Pequignot | Between Bqo and Wqo: the space of ideals | slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | On isomorphisms and embeddings of C(K) spaces | slides |
Omar Selim | Submeasures and signed measures | slides |
Jeffrey Serbus | Configurations of Cardinal Invariants Consistent with the P-ideal Dichotomy | slides |
Oleg Sidorov | The innovative structure of point sets in terms of the next point principle | slides |
Slawomir Solecki | Tukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals I. | slides |
Slawomir Solecki | Tukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals II. | slides |
Slawomir Solecki | Tukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals III. | slides |
Wojciech Stadnicki | Wallman representations of hyperspaces | slides |
Jan Starý | Compactness of the order-sequential topology | slides |
Jaroslav Supina | Sequence selection principles for functions | slides |
Sławomir Szczepaniak | Some remarks on splittings | slides |
Stevo Todorčević | Forcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree I. | |
Stevo Todorčević | Forcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree II. | |
Stevo Todorčević | Forcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree III. | |
Sławomir Turek | Hereditarily supercompact spaces | slides |
Jan van Mill | Uniquely homogeneous spaces I. | slides |
Jan van Mill | Uniquely homogeneous spaces II. | slides |
Jan van Mill | Uniquely homogeneous spaces III. | slides |
Zoltan Vidnyanszky | Borel hulls of shy sets | slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Characterizing Strong Measure Zero Sets in Polish groups | slides |
Rachel Alisha Zachariah | Randomness and Universality in Topological Spaces. | slides |
Jindřich Zapletal | Forcing Idealized I. | slides |
Jindřich Zapletal | Forcing Idealized II. | slides |
Jindřich Zapletal | Forcing Idealized III. | slides |
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy | Covering properties and CDH filters | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Jaroslav Šupina | Spaces not mappable onto [0,1] | slides |
Taras Banakh | Solecki submeasures and densities on groups | |
Marek Bienias | Independent Bernstein sets and algebraic constructions | slides |
Natasha Dobrinen | Ramsey-classification theorems and applications in the Tukey theory of ultrafilters | slides / paper |
Todd Eisworth | Successors of Singular Cardinals I. | |
Todd Eisworth | Successors of Singular Cardinals II. | slides |
Todd Eisworth | Successors of Singular Cardinals III. | slides |
Peter Eliaš | Permitted sets on Cantor group | slides |
Ahmad Farhat | Local connectedness and images of βH* | slides |
Barnabás Farkas | Covering properties of ideals | slides |
Jana Flašková | The generic existence of certain I-ultrafilters | slides |
Stefan Geschke | Definable graphs on Polish spaces I. | slides |
Stefan Geschke | Definable graphs on Polish spaces II. | slides |
Stefan Geschke | Definable graphs on Polish spaces III. | slides |
Szymon Glab | strong algebrability of series and functions | slides |
Klaas Pieter Hart | Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces I. | slides |
Klaas Pieter Hart | Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces II. | slides |
Klaas Pieter Hart | Applications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces III. | slides |
Rodrigo Hernandez Gutierrez | Countable Dense Homogeneous Filters | slides / paper |
Radek Honzík | Supercompact cardinals and failures of GCH | slides |
István Juhász | Resolvability of topological spaces I. | slides |
István Juhász | Resolvability of topological spaces II. | slides |
István Juhász | Resolvability of topological spaces III. | slides |
Wieslaw Kubiś | Universal homogeneous structures in ZFC | slides |
Grzegorz Plebanek | Simple Boolean algebra with complicated space of measures | slides |
Szymon Plewik | Katowice ”pattern” for the questions inspired by Czech mathematicians | slides |
Robert Ralowski | Two-point sets | slides |
Lajos Soukup | Variations of Separability | slides |
Jan Stary | Coherent ultrafilters on Boolean algebras | slides |
Egbert Thuemmel | The Horn-Tarski problem | slides / paper |
Zoltan Vidnyanszky | Coanalytic Transfinite Constructions | slides |
Marta Walczyńska | Kuratowski operations revisited | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Transfinite ordinal partition relations and coloured finite digraphs | slides |
Marek Wyszkowski | The independence of the covering numbers of the ideals of splitting tree forcing and Sacks forcing | slides |
Teruyuki Yorioka | Some results in the extension with a coherent Suslin tree | slides |
Teruyuki Yorioka | Killing some S-spaces by a coherent Suslin tree | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Jaroslav Šupina | Sequence selection principles for special convergences | slides |
Marek Balcerzak | Monotone Borel hulls | slides |
Taras Banakh | Network character and meager convergence in topological spaces | slides |
Artur Bartoszewicz | Remarks on ideal convergence | slides |
Tristan Bice | Projections in the Calkin Algebra: Order Structure and Cardinal Invariants | slides |
Andreas Blass | Ultrafilters on Countable Sets I. | slides |
Andreas Blass | Ultrafilters on Countable Sets II. | slides |
Andreas Blass | Ultrafilters on Countable Sets III. | slides |
Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja | Sequential properties of space of measures | slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Subcompact Cardinals, Squares | slides |
Barnabás Farkas | Ideals and almost disjoint sets | slides |
Jana Flašková | Uniformity of the van der Waerden ideal | slides |
Szymon Glab | Ideals with bases of unbounded Borel hierarchy | slides |
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gutierrez | Remote Points and Extremal Disconnectedness | slides |
Radek Honzik | Distributivity of the Cohen forcing in larger universes | slides |
Archil Kipiani | On Representations of Abstract Groups as Automorphism Groups of Graphs | slides |
Péter Komjáth | Delta systems, set mappings | |
Péter Komjáth | Set mappings, con't, polarized partition calculus | |
Péter Komjáth | Partititon calculus | |
Andrzej Kucharski | Very I-favorable spaces | slides |
Hiroaki Minami | Mathias-Prikry forcing and dominating real | slides |
Lionel Nguyen Van The | Structural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics I. | slides |
Lionel Nguyen Van The | Structural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics II. | slides |
Lionel Nguyen Van The | Structural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics III. | slides |
Alex Primavesi | Embedding structure for LOTSs | slides |
Karen Raesch | A minimal Prikry-type forcing for singularizing a measurable cardinal | slides |
Robert Ralowski | Nonmeasurable partitions on the real line | slides |
Philipp Schlicht | Automatic ordinals and linear orders | slides |
Petr Simon | Almost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets I | slides |
Petr Simon | Almost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets II | slides |
Petr Simon | Almost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets III | slides |
Daniel Soukup | Guessing clubs for aD, non D-spaces | slides |
Lajos Soukup | Pcf theory and cardinal invariants of the reals | slides |
Santi Spadaro | Selection Principles and Dense Sets | slides |
Jan Spěvák | Mappings between posets of continuous functions | |
Michal Staš | Perfect set property | slides |
Andrzej Starosolski | Existence of ordinal ultrafilters and of P-hierarchy | slides |
Jonathan Verner | Ultrafilters generic over P(N)/I | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Partition relations and coloured finite digraphs | slides |
Wolfgang Wohofsky | Borel Conjecture and Dual Borel Conjecture | slides |
Szymon Zeberski | Nonmeasurability v.s. complete nonmeasurability | slides |
Speaker | Title | Abstract/Slides |
Jaroslav Šupina | wQN spaces | slides |
Aleksander Błaszczyk | Transversal and independent topologies | slides |
Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja | Measure recognition problems | slides |
Jörg Brendle | Aspects of iterated forcing (I., II., III., IV.) | slides |
Andrew Brooke-Taylor | Indestructibility of Vopěnka Cardinal | slides |
David Chodounský | Rapid Filters and Guided Gregorieff Forcing | slides |
Alan Dow | Moron maps and subspaces of N* | slides |
Alan Dow | Moron maps and subspaces of N* (under PFA) | slides |
Alan Dow | Moron maps and subspaces of N* (extending PFA) | slides |
Jana Flašková | Remarks on Q-points and Rapid Ultrafilters | slides |
Sy David Friedman | Forcings which Preserve Large Cardinals | slides |
Rafal Gruszczynski | Short introduction to mereology | slides |
Radek Honzík | Lifting arguments | slides |
Istvan Juhasz | Convergence and character spectra of compacta | slides / paper |
Zdzisław Kosztołowicz | Characterizing Chainable and Tree-like Continua | slides |
Peter Krautzberger | Some new results on union ultrafilters | slides |
Wieslaw Kubiś | Retractive Linear Orderings | slides |
Andrzej Kucharski | Open-Open Game of Uncountable Length | slides |
Menachem Magidor | Cardinal Arithmetic | / paper |
Andrzej Nowik | Measurable Hamel functions | slides |
Aleksandar Pavlović | A "mean" sequence in Boolean algebras | slides |
Szymon Plewik | On skeletal maps | slides |
Alexander Primavesi | Extending the Classical Results on Club Guessing | slides |
Robert Ralowski | Luzinnes on the Real Line | slides |
Marcin Sabok | Forcing, ideals and degrees of reals | slides |
Daniel Soukup | Cross-like constructions and refinements | abstract slides |
Lájos Soukup | The Joy of Elementary Submodels | slides |
Michal Staš | Regular properties on the real line | slides |
Victor Torres Perez | Weak Reflection Principle, Saturation of NS and Diamonds | slides |
Szymon Zeberski | Inscribing Baire-nonmeasurable sets | slides |
Speaker | Title | Download |
Jana Flašková | Some ultrafilters on natural numbers | slides |
Wieslaw Kubis | Finitely determined compacta | slides |
Osvaldo Alfonso Téllez Nieto | Extremally Disconnected Topological Groups | slides |
Ulises Ariet Ramos García | Countable Fréchet Groups | slides |
Marcin Sabok | Playing with forcing | slides |
Marcin Szyszkowski | Weak symmetry | slides |
Marcin Kysiak | On Bernstein sets, kappa-coverings and quotient gr | slides |
Archil Kipiani | On cardinalityes of automorphism groups of uniform | slides |
Piotr Kalemba | Hausdorff gaps reconstructed from Luzin gaps | slides |
Henryk Michalewski | Examples of complete pairs of coanalytic sets | slides |
Jindřich Zapletal | Forcing and Ramsey Theorems | slides |
Ondřej Zindulka | Every M-additive set is E-additive | slides |
Piotr Koszmider | Examples concerning generic sets | slides |
Aleksandar Pavlovic | Several Topologies on P(omega) | slides |
Boris Šobot | Games on Boolean Algebras of Uncountable Length | slides |
Sy David Friedman | Forcing when there are Large Cardinals | slides |
Piotr Koszmider | Some examples concerning forcing | slides |
Uri Abraham | P-Ideal Dichotomy I. | slides |
Peter Elias | On additivity of permitted sets | slides |
Dana Bartošová | Span and Chainability in Non-metric Continua | slides |
Uri Abraham | P-Ideal Dichotomy II. | slides |
Peter Krautzberger | Forcing Constructions of Idempotent Ultrafilters | slides |
Thilo Weinert | Does BAAFA decide the size of the continuum? | slides |
Radek Honzík | Global failure of SCH and Easton functions | slides |
Szymon Zeberski | Structural properties of orderings on multisets | slides |
Uri Abraham | P-Ideal Dichotomy III. | slides |
Taras Banakh | Finite chain condition and packing completeness fo | slides |
Tomáš Pazák | Classification of new reals | slides |
Piotr Koszmider | Examples concerning iterated forcing II | slides |