Julia ŚcisłowskaHow to tame the Knaster continuum using the ultrafilter orders?abstract slides
Szymon ŻeberskiAlgebraic sums, trees and meager sets in the Cantor space and in the Baire spaceabstract slides
Tomasz ŻuchowskiIdeals on ω and Nikodym vs Grothendieck property of Boolean algebrasabstract slides
Adam BartošUncountable ultrahomogeneous structures IIabstract slides
Will BrianAutomorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 1 slides
Will BrianAutomorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 2 slides
Will BrianAutomorphisms of $\mathcal P(\omega) / \mathrm{Fin}$: Part 3 slides
Balázs BursicsHyperfiniteness on topological Ramsey spacesabstract slides
David ChodounskyClosing remarks
Aleksander CieślakWhat does it take to destroy an idealabstract slides
Hope DuncanInaccessible cardinals without choiceabstract slides
Lyra GardinerInfinite-exponent partition relations on linear ordersabstract slides
Yusuke HayashiGood coloring for stationary listabstract slides
Jan HubičkaBig Ramsey degrees – current status and open problems slides
Marta Kładź-DudaProductivity of selective covering propertiesabstract slides
Jerzy KąkolOn some applications of $\Delta$-spaces and $\Delta_1$-spacesabstract slides
Yurii KhomskiiSeparating Regularity Properties with the Raisonnier Filterabstract slides
Anett KocsisUniversal graphs under homomorphismabstract slides
Gábor KunOn the measurable Hall condition slides
Chris Lambie-HansonStrongly increasing chains of functions slides
Pedro MarunLabelled Setsabstract slides
Łukasz MazurkiewiczFake nulls and meagers in the Baire spaceabstract slides
Marcin MichalskiOn algebraic sums, trees and null sets in the Cantor space and the Baire spaceabstract slides
Adam MorawskiA Small, Unruly Radon–Nikodym Compact Space from a Diamondabstract slides
Francesco ParenteUltrafilters on the Cohen algebra
Michał PawlikowskiScales and combinatorial covering propertiesabstract slides
Máté PálfyGeneralized Haar meager sets and related cardinal invariantsabstract slides
Carlos Adrian Perez EstradaSubgroups of big mapping class groups that are not extremely amenableabstract slides
Daria Perkowska*operation and microscopic sets slides
Robert RalowskiPeripherally Hausdorff spaces and fixed-point theoremabstract slides
Bryant Rosado SilvaGeneralized Ważewski dendrites, generic subcontinua and generic chainsabstract slides
Calliope Ryan-SmithLocal reflections of choiceabstract slides
Lukas SchembeckerForcing and combinatorics of Van Douwen familiesabstract slides
Jonathan SchilhanHagendorf Orders
Šárka StejskalováKurepa and weak Kurepa trees slides
Maximilian StrohmeierCategorical Partite Construction slides
Jaro SupinaSlaloms, cardinal invariants, and selection principlesabstract slides
Jarosław SwaczynaSome countable Rado-like graphs via Fraisse limitsabstract slides
Toshimasa TannoGeneralized Tukey relation in Solovay modelabstract slides
Spencer UngerEquidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 1 slides
Spencer UngerEquidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 2 slides
Spencer UngerEquidecomposition and discrepancy: Part 3 slides
Tristan van der VlugtRearrangement & subseries numbersabstract slides
Jouko VäänänenInner models from extended logics: Part 1 slides
Jouko VäänänenInner models from extended logics: Part 2 slides
Jouko VäänänenInner models from extended logics: Part 3 slides
Wolfgang Wohofsky$E_0$ trees and translations on the lower (finite) Cantor space
Takashi YamazoeGame-theoretic variants of splitting numberabstract slides
Krzysztof Zakrzewski$c_0$-products of function spacesabstract slides


Szymon ŻeberskiEggleston meets Mycielski, measure caseabstract slides
Tomasz ŻuchowskiThe Nikodym property and filters on $\omega$abstract slides
Serhii BardylaCountably compact extensions and cardinal characteristics of the continuumabstract slides
Adam BartošFraïssé-like constructions of compacta slides
Jonathan Cancino ManríquezA model with p-measures and no p-point slides
David ChodounskyImportant closing remarks slides
Aleksander CieślakAntichain numbersabstract slides
Cesar CorralHigh dimensional sequential compactnessabstract slides
Jorge Antonio Cruz ChapitalOn gaps, almost disjoint families and a Ramsey ultrafilter.abstract slides
Matheus Duzi Ferreira CostaGeneralized Krom spaces and the Menger gameabstract slides
Curial Gallart RodríguezStrong chains of subsets of $\omega_1$ of length $\omega_3$abstract slides
Damian GłodkowskiEpic math battle of history: Grothendieck vs Nikodym - round 2abstract slides
Tatsuya GotoKeisler's theorem and cardinal invariants at uncoutable cardinalsabstract slides
Jan HubickaRamsey theorem for trees with sucessor operation slides
Klára KarasováTopological fractals slides
Tamás KátayElusive properties of countably infinite graphsabstract
Jerzy Kąkol$\Delta_1$-spaces and Asplund spaces $C_k(X)$ over $\Delta_1$-spaces $X$abstract slides
Maciej KorpalskiStraightening almost chains in P($\omega$)abstract slides
Wiesław KubiśUncountable ultrahomogeneous structures slides
Borisa KuzeljevicOrderings on P-point ultrafilters slides
Chris Lambie-HansonGeneralized almost disjoint families and injective Banach spaces slides
Arturo Martínez-CelisMarczewski-like ideals related to superperfect trees.abstract slides
Łukasz MazurkiewiczIdeal Analytic Setsabstract slides
Sandra MüllerDeterminacy: Background, Applications, and Connections to Large Cardinals slides
Sandra MüllerDeterminacy of Long(er) Games slides
Sandra MüllerStrong Models of Determinacy slides
Marcin MichalskiEggleston meets Mycielski - category caseabstract slides
Adam MorawskiFew words on P-measures - almost sigma-additive measuresabstract slides
Aleksandar PavlovićCan an ideal give you a maximal space?abstract slides
Daria PerkowskaNon-meager filtersabstract slides
Beatrice PittonThe SLO principle for Borel subsets of the generalized Cantor spaceabstract slides
Robert RalowskiThe Baire theorem, an analogue of the Banach fixed point theoremabstract slides
Calliope Ryan-SmithUpwards homogeneity of symmetric extensions slides
Kamil RyduchowskiLusin sets and uncountable Auerbach systemsabstract slides
Šárka StejskalováForcing over a free Suslin tree slides
Juris SteprānsIntroduction to P-points and related ultrafilters slides
Juris SteprānsModels of set theory without P-points slides
Juris SteprānsTowards controlling the structure of the set of P-points slides
Corey SwitzerOn Generic Independent Familiesabstract slides
Tristan van der VlugtCombinatorial κ-reals in the higher Baire spaceabstract slides
Zoltán VidnyánszkyComplexity and Borel Combinatorics I
Zoltán VidnyánszkyComplexity and Borel Combinatorics II
Zoltán VidnyánszkyComplexity and Borel Combinatorics III slides
Thilo WeinertOn the binary linear orderingabstract slides
Agnieszka WidzEpic math battle of history: Grothendieck vs Nikodym - round 1abstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyDualizing the distributivity number h? slides
Takashi YamazoeCichoń's maximum with evasion numberabstract slides
Krzysztof ZakrzewskiFunction spaces on Corson-like compactaabstract slides
Andy ZuckerBig Ramsey degrees and dynamics I slides
Andy ZuckerBig Ramsey degrees and dynamics II slides
Andy ZuckerBig Ramsey degrees and dynamics III slides


Szymon ŻeberskiRectangle insideabstract slides
Adam BartošConstructing compacta from relations between finite graphs slides
Mariam BeriashviliOn some methods of extending measuresabstract slides
Rodrigo CarvalhoPartitons in topological spaces and guessing principlesabstract slides
David ChodounskyImportant closing remarks slides
Aleksander CieślakTrees, Marczewski ideals and Cohen reals slides
Clinton ConleyTreeable equivalence relations 1
Clinton ConleyTreeable equivalence relations 2
Clinton ConleyTreeable equivalence relations 3
Clinton ConleyTreeable equivalence relations 4
Matheus Duzi Ferreira CostaInfinitely ludic categoriesabstract slides
Michał DybowskiThe Axiom of Choice and maximal $\delta$-separated setsabstract slides
Azul Lihuen FataliniPartitioning $\mathbb{R}^3$ in unit circlesabstract slides
Ido FeldmanSums of triples in Abelian groupsabstract slides
Vera FischerCombinatorial Sets of Reals 1 slides
Vera FischerCombinatorial Sets of Reals 2 slides
Vera FischerCombinatorial Sets of Reals 3 slides
Maciej KorpalskiCountable discrete extensions of compact lines slides
Ziemowit KostanaTopological universality of the automorphism groups of uncountable Fraisse limitsabstract slides
Kacper KucharskiSome remarks on the projective properties of Menger and Hurewiczabstract slides
Aleksandra KwiatkowskaCompact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 1 slides
Aleksandra KwiatkowskaCompact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 2 slides
Aleksandra KwiatkowskaCompact connected spaces via the projective Fraisse limit constructions 3 slides
Adam MartonSmallest subfamilies of meager ideals ensuring P-like propertiesabstract slides
Łukasz MazurkiewiczIdeal analytic setsabstract slides
Marcin MichalskiSquare insideabstract slides
Aleksandar PavlovićOn weaker types of continuity with a little help of idealsabstract slides
Robert RalowskiGroup actions on Polish spacesabstract slides
Assaf RinotClub-Guessing 1 slides
Assaf RinotClub-Guessing 2 slides
Assaf RinotClub-Guessing 3 slides
Kamil RyduchowskiOn antiramsey colorings and geometry of Banach spacesabstract slides
Salvatore ScampertiInjective Continuous Reduction on the Borel subsets of the Baire space.abstract slides
Lukas SchembeckerUniversally Sacks-indestructible combinatorial families of realsabstract slides
Roy ShalevThe small Dowker space problemabstract slides
Damian SobotaRandom forcing, convergence of measures, and cofinality of Boolean algebras slides
Šárka StejskalováGuessing models and forcing axioms slides
Dávid UhrikThe Uncountable Hadwiger Conjecture and Non-special Treesabstract
Thilo WeinertOn Wetzelian problemsabstract
Wolfgang WohofskyBranches through and games on base matrices
Krzysztof ZakrzewskiOn $\kappa$-Corson compact spaces and related classes of compact spacesabstract slides


Claudio AgostiniA characterization of metrizability through gamesabstract slides
Szymon ŻeberskiNonmeasurable unions, around Fremlin-Todorcevic theorem slides
Adam BartošKPT for weak Ramsey categoriesabstract slides
Jonathan Cancino ManríquezThere may be no $\mathscr{I}$-ultrafilter for any $F_\sigma$ ideal $\mathscr{I}$ slides
Aleksander CieślakTree ideal of full-splitting Miller trees slides
Noé de RancourtA dichotomy for countable unions of smooth Borel equivalence relations.abstract slides
Azul Lihuen FataliniPartitions of $\mathbb{R}^3$ in unit circles and the Axiom of Choiceabstract slides
Damian Głodkowski$\sigma$-ideals generated by hyperplanes of Banach spacesabstract
Jan HubičkaBig Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 1 slides
Jan HubičkaBig Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 2 slides
Jan HubičkaBig Ramsey degrees using parameter spaces 3 slides
Martina IannellaConvex embeddability on linear/circular orders and connections to knot theoryabstract slides
Jerzy KąkolOn $\Delta$-spaces $X$ and their characterization in term of spaces $C_{p}(X)$abstract slides
Yurii KhomskiiParaconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theoryabstract slides
Marlene KoelbingSpecial Aronszajn trees and Kurepa treesabstract slides
Konrad KrolickiLimits of weighted hyperfinite graphsabstract slides
Chris Lambie-HansonPart 1: One-dimensional nontrivial coherent families slides
Chris Lambie-HansonPart 2: Homological origins slides
Chris Lambie-HansonPart 3: Higher dimensions slides
Chris Lambie-HansonProblem Session slides
Arkady LeidermanDense metrizable subspaces in powers of Corson compactaabstract slides
Mateusz LichmanFree group of Hamel functionsabstract slides
Adam MartonPartitions and P-like idealsabstract slides
Łukasz MazurkiewiczModifications of Lusin's example $\mathbf{\Sigma}_1^1$-complete setabstract slides
Marcin MichalskiSmital properties of Fubini products of $\sigma$-idealsabstract slides
Lorenzo NotaroTree-representations of Borel functions in the Baire spaceabstract slides
Moreno PierobonFullness and mixing property for boolean valued models in terms of sheaves and bundlesabstract slides
Beatrice PittonBorel and Borel* sets in generalized descriptive set theoryabstract slides
Svilen Popov On the dependence and the equivalences between algebraic and topological properties of C*-algebras and their module categories, and combinatorial principles extending ZFCabstract slides
Tommaso RussoHunting vector spaces inside non-linear objectsabstract slides
Marcin SabokHyperfinite graphs 1 slides
Marcin SabokHyperfinite graphs 2 slides
Marcin SabokHyperfinite graphs 3 slides
Juan Manuel Santiago SuárezBoolean valued semantics for infinitary logicsabstract slides
Salvatore ScampertiThe Wadge Hierarchy on 0-dimensional Polish spaceabstract slides
Damian SobotaConvergence of measures and filters on $\omega$abstract
Šárka StejskalováIndestructibility of the tree property over models of PFAabstract slides
Jarosław SwaczynaContinuity of coordinate I-projections via large cardinals slides
Thilo WeinertSome Results in Ordinal Ramsey Theoryabstract slides
Agnieszka WidzSpecial families of magic sets abstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyDistributivity spectra and fresh functionsabstract slides
Ondřej ZindulkaStrong Measure Zero slides
Ondřej ZindulkaGalvin-Mycielski-Solovay Theorem and Its Pitfalls slides
Ondřej ZindulkaMeager-additive sets slides


Claudio AgostiniOn a class of Polish-like spacesabstract slides
Antonio AvilésCompact spaces of the first Baire class slides
Viera ŠottováSelection principle $\mathrm{S}_1(\mathcal{P},{\mathcal{R}})$ and the cardinal invariant $\lambda(h,\mathcal{J})$ slides
Adam BartošA category-theoretic framework for Fraïssé theoryabstract slides
Mariam BeriashviliThe Uniform Subsets of the Euclidean Planeabstract slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorLarge cardinal axioms in category theory slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorLarge cardinal axioms in category theory II slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorLarge cardinal axioms in category theory and its applications III slides
César CorralFrechet-like properties and almost disjoint families.abstract slides
Jorge Antonio Cruz ChapitalExtensions of weak continuous selections.abstract slides
Márton ElekesProblems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes I
Márton ElekesProblems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes II
Márton ElekesProblems and techniques concerning the Baire function classes III
Yaroslav GrushkaOn existence of one-point time on an oriented setabstract slides
Osvaldo GuzmanOn $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ I slides
Osvaldo GuzmanOn $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ II slides
Osvaldo GuzmanOn $\mathfrak{a},\mathfrak{b}$ and $\mathfrak{s}$ III slides
Mario JardónPartitions on free products of two infinite Boolean Algebrasabstract slides
José KlingA topological game on the space of ultrafilters abstract slides
Marlene KoelbingThe distributivity spectrum
Wiesław KubiśUniversality and weak amalgamations slides
Maxwell LevineCompactness and Incompactness on Singular Cardinalsabstract slides
Arturo Martínez-CelisReaping and Rosenthal families. slides
Andrea MediniTopological applications of Wadge theory I slides
Andrea MediniTopological applications of Wadge theory II slides
Andrea MediniTopological applications of Wadge theory III slides
Veronika PitrováClosed hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of Tychonoff spacesabstract slides
Jonathan SchilhanThe tower spectrumabstract slides
Olga SipachevaCountable and uncountable extremally disconnected groups and related ultrafiltersabstract slides
Jaroslav SupinaIdeal pseudointersection numbers slides
Jonathan VernerThe last talk slides
Magdalena WłudeckaUnbounded towers and products.abstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyThe distributivity spectrum slides


Viera ŠottováThe first sketch: $\mathcal{N}$ with respect to ideals on $\omega$ slides
Szymon ŻeberskiSuperperfect Mycielski slides
Serhii BardylaDense and closed subsets of compact-like topological spacesabstract slides
Adam BartošCrookedness and almost homogeneity in categories of compactaabstract slides
Judyta BąkOn the productivity of the countable chain condition slides
Mariam BeriashviliApplications of Mazurkiewicz type sets in the study of measurability properties of sets and functionsabstract slides
José Antonio CoronaOpen coloringsabstract slides
Cesar CorralUniformization properties of ladder systems under MA(S)abstract slides
James CummingsSingular cardinal combinatorics 1 slides
James CummingsSingular cardinal combinatorics 2 slides
James CummingsSingular cardinal combinatorics 3 slides
Matheus Duzi Ferreira CostaTopological Games of Bounded Selectionsabstract slides
Mirna DzamonjaLogics compact at singular cardinals slides
Monroe EskewElementary embeddings and correctnessabstract slides
Miha HabičSome results on ultrapower capturingabstract slides
K P HartYou Chooseabstract slides
Radek HonzikProjective wellorder and the tree propertyabstract slides
Miroslav HušekLarge cardinals in general topology 1 slides
Miroslav HušekLarge cardinals in general topology 2 slides
Miroslav HušekLarge cardinals in general topology 3 slides
Eliza JabłońskaOn $n$-fold sum of a non-flat continuumabstract slides
Michał KorchGeneralized Egorov's statement for idealsabstract slides
Ziemowit KostanaOn countably saturated linear ordersabstract slides
Wiesław KubiśGeneric structures 1 slides
Wiesław KubiśGeneric structures 2 slides
Wiesław KubiśGeneric structures 3 slides
Andrzej KucharskiOn some properties of a base.abstract slides
Ashutosh KumarOrder dimension of Turing degrees slides
Borisa KuzeljevicA long chain of P-pointsabstract slides
Arkady LeidermanQuotients of free topological groupsabstract slides
Jordi Lopez-AbadExtremely amenable automorphism groups 1 slides
Jordi Lopez-AbadExtremely amenable automorphism groups 2 slides
Jordi Lopez-AbadExtremely amenable automorphism groups 3 slides
Marcin MichalskiSmital and Fubini among treesabstract slides
Kaethe MindenMaximality and Resurrectionabstract slides
Nenad MoračaVariations of reversibilityabstract slides
Sonia Navarro FloresBorel ideals and Ramsey spacesabstract slides
José de Jesús Pelayo GómezBetween Hausdorff and Selective slides
Veronika PitrováHereditary (bi)coreflective subcategories in certain categories of semitopological groupsabstract slides
Grzegorz PlebanekSmall almost disjoint families and their applicationsabstract slides
Márk PoórSets on the plane meeting every line in a set of measure 1abstract slides
Robert RalowskiContinunous images of Bernstein sets slides
Jonathan SchilhanDefinability aspects of ultrafilters slides
Damian SobotaOn the Josefson-Nissenzweig theorem for C(K)-spacesabstract slides
Šárka StejskalováIndestructibility of the tree propertyabstract slides
Jaroslav SupinaOn a level measure slides
Jarosław SwaczynaHaar-small sets in Polish groups slides
Dorottya SzirákiThe Open Dihypergraph Dichotomy for Definable Subsets of Generalized Baire Spacesabstract slides
Alessandro VignatiHeavy liftingabstract slides
Magdalena WłudeckaProducts of gamma setsabstract slides
Thilo WeinertPolarised Partition Relations for Order Typesabstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyA Sacks amoeba preserving distributivity of $P(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}$ slides
Rafael ZamoraGenerics in a measurable wreath productabstract slides


Leandro AurichiSome games and their topological consequences 1 slides
Leandro AurichiSome games and their topological consequences 2 slides
Leandro AurichiSome games and their topological consequences 3 slides
Viera ŠottováwQN-space and ideal coverings of X slides
Taras BanakhA parallel metrization theoremabstract slides
Serhii BardylaOn locally compact semitopological graph inverse semigroupsabstract slides
Adam BartošCompactifiability and Borel complexity up to equivalenceabstract slides
Wojciech BielasSeparation axiom for regular closed sets slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorProducts of CW complexesabstract slides
Noé de RancourtApproximate Gowers spaces slides
Stamatis DimopoulosCardinal characteristics and strong compactnessabstract slides
Monroe EskewRigid collapseabstract slides
Saeed GhasemiAlmost disjoint families and C*-algebrasabstract slides
Michał Tomasz GodziszewskiTruth theories and satisfaction classes over models of set theory slides
Martin GoldsternCichoń's Maximumabstract slides
Miha HabičSurgery and nonamalgability for Cohen reals slides
Joel David HamkinsSet-theoretic potentialism 1 slides
Joel David HamkinsSet-theoretic potentialism 2 slides
Joel David HamkinsSet-theoretic potentialism 3 slides
Eliza JabłońskaOn Steinhaus properties and families of "small" sets slides
Asaf KaragilaTBD slides
Olena KarlovaAlmost strongly zero-dimensional spacesabstract
Michał KorchSpecial subsets of the generalized Cantor space $2^\kappa$abstract slides
Ziemowit KostanaNon-measurability of the algebraic sums of sets of real numbersabstract slides
Wieslaw KubisThe weak amalgamation property slides
Ondřej KurkaLarge separated sets of unit vectors in Banach spaces of continuous functionsabstract slides
Adam KwelaIdeal weak QN-spaces slides
Marta KwelaIdeals of nowhere dense sets in some topologies on integers slides
Maxwell LevineForcing Square Sequencesabstract slides
Marcin MichalskiLuzin and Sierpiński sets meet treesabstract slides
Heike MildenbergerBlock Sequences with Projections into a Sequence of Happy Familiesabstract slides
Kaethe MindenSubcomplete Forcing, Trees, and Generic Absoluteness slides
Volodymyr MykhaylyukUpper Namioka property of multi-valued mappingsabstract slides
Itay NeemanHigher analogues of PFA 1 slides
Itay NeemanHigher analogues of PFA 2 slides
Itay NeemanHigher analogues of PFA 3 slides
Grzegorz PlebanekMardesic problem on products of compact lines slides
Robert RałowskiNonmeasurable images in Polish space with respect to $\sigma$-ideals with Borel base slides
Jonathan SchilhanThe generalized meager ideal and clubs slides
Olga SipachevaBoolean topological groups and ultrafiltersabstract slides
Damian SobotaGrothendieck C(K)-spaces of small densityabstract slides
Filip StrobinCompact scattered spaces as attractors of generalized IFSsabstract slides
Jaroslav SupinaCardinal characteristic of ideals and three selection principles slides
Jarosław SwaczynaHaar-small sets slides
Jonathan VernerThe Last Talk slides
Alessandro VignatiTriviality and nontriviality of homeomorphisms of Čech–Stone remaindersabstract slides
Thilo WeinertThoughts on density pointsabstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyNon-stationary topology on $2^\kappa$abstract slides
Shuguo ZhangA non-Hurewicz set of reals of size $\mathfrak d$ with all its powers Menger slides


David AsperóSide conditions and (iterated) forcing I slides
David AsperóSide conditions and (iterated) forcing II slides
David AsperóSide conditions and (iterated) forcing III slides
Szymon ŻeberskiInvariant sigma-ideals with analytic base on good Cantor measure spacesabstract slides
Joan BagariaAn Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets I slides
Joan BagariaAn Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets II slides
Joan BagariaAn Introduction to Hyperstationary Sets III slides
Taras BanakhThe Interplay between two generalizations of first-countabilityabstract slides
Serhii BardylaOn the semitopological locally compact $\alpha$-bicyclic monoidabstract slides
Adam BartošOn maximal connected I-spacesabstract slides
Judyta BąkDomain representable spaces and topological games slides
Mariam BeriashviliOn some paradoxical point sets in different models of set theoryabstract slides
Jana BlobnerUltrafilters and divergent series slides
Christina BrechGeneralizing Schreier families to large index sets I slides
Christina BrechGeneralizing Schreier families to large index sets II slides
Christina BrechGeneralizing Schreier families to large index sets III slides
Tomasz CieślaA filter on a collection of finite sets. A non-bisequential Eberlein compactum. slides
Sakae FuchinoReflection cardinals of coloring of graphsabstract slides
Szymon GłąbDense free subgroups of automorphism groups of homogeneous partially ordered setsabstract slides
Jan GrebíkFraïssé-like structuresabstract slides
Osvaldo GuzmanLinearly ordered splitting families slides
K P HartBrouwer and cardinalitiesabstract slides
Radek HonzikLaver indestructibility for cardinals smaller than supercompacts slides
Olena KarlovaExtension of Baire-one functionsabstract slides
Adam KwelaIdeal equal Baire classesabstract slides
Andrew MarksGeometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory I slides
Andrew MarksGeometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory II slides
Andrew MarksGeometrical paradoxes and descriptive set theory III slides
Marcin MichalskiUniversal sets for $\sigma$-idealsabstract slides
Sonia NavarroPseudointersection numbers for topological Ramsey spaces slides
Magdalena NowakAre you self-similar?abstract slides
José de Jesús Pelayo GómezRamsey porperties and the Katetov order slides
Márk PoórAnswer to a question of Roslanowski and Shelahabstract slides
Damian SobotaThe Nikodym property of Boolean algebras and cardinal characteristics of the continuumabstract slides
Sarka StejskalovaThe tree property at $\aleph_{\omega+2}$ with a finite gapabstract slides
Jarosław SwaczynaIntroduction to Haar-small sets slides
Dorottya SzirákiGames and perfect independent subsets of the generalized Baire spaceabstract slides
Jacek TrybaHomogeneity of idealsabstract slides
Jonathan VernerThe Last Talk slides
Thilo WeinertCardinal Characteristics, Partition Properties and Generalised Scattered Ordersabstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyCofinalities of Marczewski-type idealsabstract slides


Juan AguileraThe botanics of provability (and $\omega^\omega$ other short stories). slides
Szymon ŻeberskiAn example of a capacity for which all positive Borel sets are thick slides
Tomasz ŻuchowskiNonseparable growth of $\omega$ supporting a strictly positive measureabstract slides
Taras BanakhThe Steinhaus properties of $\sigma$-ideals on Polish groups slides
Hector Alonso Barriga AcostaOn discretely generated box productsabstract slides
Adam BartošOn maximal connected topologiesabstract slides
Jeffrey BergfalkStrong Homology and Set Theory slides
Mariam BeriashviliOne Concrete Application of Point Set Theory in Measure Theoryabstract slides
Filippo CalderoniOn the complexity of embeddability between groupsabstract slides
Jonathan Cancino-ManríquezTrees on $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{fin}$abstract slides
Aleksander CieślakFilters and sets of Vitali type slides
Sakae FuchinoReflection numbers under large continuumabstract slides
Martin GoldsternIterated forcing (CS iterations) slides
Martin GoldsternIterated forcing 2 (products and halving) slides
Martin GoldsternIterated forcing 3 (FS iteration, small forcings) slides
Osvaldo GuzmanThe principle (*) of Sierpinski and a question of Millerabstract slides
Jialiang HeComparison game on trace idealsabstract slides
Jacob HiltonTopological Ramsey theory of countable ordinalsabstract slides
Radek HonzikThe tree property at the double successor of a singular with larger gapabstract slides
Thomas JechMeasure Algebras 1 slides
Thomas JechMeasure Algebras 2 slides
Thomas JechMeasure Algebras 3 slides
Joanna Jureczko$\kappa$-strong sequences and the existence of generalized independent families slides
Vladimir KanoveiSome applications of finite-support products of Jensen’s minimal $\Delta_3^1$ forcingabstract slides
Maria KidawaCube-like comlpexes and Poincare-Miranda Theoremabstract slides
Gonzalo Martínez CervantesOn weakly Radon-Nikodym compact spacesabstract slides
Arturo Antonio Martinez Celis RodriguezCombinatorics related to the Michael Space problemabstract slides
Diego Alejandro Mejía-GuzmanExpected values for the a.d. number and 3D-iterationsabstract slides
Marcin Michalski(Non)measurability of I-Luzin setsabstract slides
Diana Carolina Montoya The ultrafilter number for uncountable $\kappa$.abstract slides
Nenad MoracaReversibility of relational structuresabstract slides
Yiannis N. MoschovakisRecursion in Polish spaces slides
Yiannis N. MoschovakisEffective Borel, analytic and co-analytic pointsets slides
Yiannis N. MoschovakisStructure theory for pointclasses slides
Magdalena NowakCompact sets in Euclidean spaces as IFS-attractorsabstract slides
Mikhail PatrakeevLuzin $\pi$-bases and the foliage hybrid operationabstract slides
Aleksandar PavlovićLocal function vs. local closure functionabstract slides
José de Jesús Pelayo GómezA tall ideal in which player II has a winning strategy in the cut and choose gameabstract slides
Alejandro PovedaRosenthal compacta that are premetric of finite degreeabstract slides
Robert RałowskiUnions of regular families slides
Damian SobotaRosenthal families and the Grothendieck propertyabstract slides
Silvia SteilaSystems of Filtersabstract slides
Jarosław SwaczynaSome structural properties of ideal invariant injectionsabstract slides
Piotr SzewczakProducts of Menger spacesabstract slides
Przemysław TkaczThe Bolzano property.abstract slides
Andrea Vaccaro$C^*$-algebras and $\mathsf{B}$-names for Complex Numbersabstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskyNo large sets which can be translated away from every Marczewski null setabstract slides
Lyubomyr ZdomskyyCombinatorial covering properties weaker than the $\sigma$-compactness. slides
Lyubomyr ZdomskyyMathias forcing for filters and combinatorial covering properties slides
Lyubomyr ZdomskyyHindman and Milliken-Taylor Theorems for topological spaces slides


Giorgio AudritoResurrection axioms and generic absolutenessabstract slides
Jaroslav ŠupinaSequences of continuous and semicontinuous functions slides
Tomasz ŻuchowskiTukey types of orthogonal ideals slides
Adam BartošClosure schemes on topological spacesabstract slides
Will BrianUltrafilters on semifiltersabstract slides
Jonathan Cancino-ManríquezAbout the reaping number of dense subsets of the rationalsabstract slides
Michal DečoIdeals related to Laver and Miller trees slides
Piotr DrygierThe growth of $\omega$ with positive measure slides
Saeed GhasemiIsomorphisms between corona algebras of the form $\prod_{n} M_{k(n)}(\mathbb{C})/\bigoplus_{n} M_{k(n)}(\mathbb{C})$abstract slides
Artur GiżyckiHindman theorem for semigroups slides
Osvaldo GuzmanRemarks on Parametrized diamonds slides
K P HartTBAabstract slides
Michał KorchThe class of perfectly null sets and its transitive versionabstract slides
Konrad KrólickiSome new coanalytic complete collections of continua in cubesabstract slides
Wieslaw KubiśBanach-Mazur games played with arrows slides
Ashutosh KumarAvoiding rational distancesabstract slides
Claude LaflammeSymmetries of some Homogeneous Structures slides
Claude LaflammeHow many siblings do you have? slides
Claude LaflammeIs converging bounded sequences really harder than converging binary sequences? slides
Chris Lambie-HansonPatterns of stationary reflectionabstract slides
Robert LeekThe structure of Fréchet-Urysohn and radial spacesabstract slides
Arturo Antonio Martinez Celis RodriguezUltrafilters and Michael spaces slides
Diego MejíaSplitting, bounding and almost disjointness numberabstract slides
Marcin MichalskiSome properties of I-Luzin setsabstract slides
David MilovichTopological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 1 slides
David MilovichTopological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 2 slides
David MilovichTopological applications of long $ω_1$-approximation sequences 3 slides
Justin T. MooreIterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 1 slides
Justin T. MooreIterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 2 slides
Justin T. MooreIterated forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis 3 slides
Magdalena NowakZero-dimensional spaces as topological and Banach fractals.abstract slides
Stuart NygardA Survey of the Density Topology on the Realsabstract slides
José de Jesús Pelayo GómezBorel chromatic numbersabstract slides
Grzegorz PlebanekCompacti fications of $\omega$ and the Banach space $c_0$abstract slides
Szymon PlewikGame theoretic approach to skeletally Dugundji and Dugundji spacesabstract slides
Robert RalowskiSome aspects of nonmeasurability with respect to selected $\sigma$-ideals slides
Andrzej RoslanowskiBackground slides
Andrzej RoslanowskiBounding Properties slides
Andrzej RoslanowskiThe Last Forcing Standing - with and without diamonds slides
Damian SobotaOn Nikodym's Uniform Boundedness Principleabstract slides
Silvia SteilaAvoidable polynomials and $\mathbb{R} \subseteq L$abstract slides
Zoltan VidnyanszkyOrdered sets of Baire class 1 functionsabstract slides
Julia WódkaLooking for differencesabstract slides
Wolfgang WohofskySacks dense ideals and Marczewski type null ideals slides
Teruyuki YoriokaFragments of Martin's Axiom and the existence of a non-special Aronszajn treeabstract slides
Lyubomyr ZdomskyyRemainders of topological groups and ultrafilters slides
Szymon ZeberskiMid-point free sets slides


Antonio AvilésBasis problem for analytic multiple gaps I slides
Antonio AvilésBasis problem for analytic multiple gaps II slides
Antonio AvilésBasis problem for analytic multiple gaps III slides
Jaroslav ŠupinaIdeal versions of wQN-space and QN-spaceabstract slides
Taras BanakhPytkeev $\aleph_0$-spaces slides
Wojciech BielasAn example of a rigid superuniversal metric space slides
Marek BieniasSome properties of compact preserving functions slides
Christina BrechOn PID and biorthogonal systemsabstract slides
Jonathan Cancino-ManríquezAnother cardinal invariant for ideals on $\omega$abstract slides
Raphaël CarroyOrdering functionsabstract slides
Scott CramerMeasures and combinatorics on $\lambda^+$abstract slides
Michal DouchaUniversal groups and group structures on the Urysohn spaceabstract slides
Ohad DruckerHjorth Analysis of General Polish Group Actionsabstract slides
Barnabas FarkasAlmost disjoint refinementsabstract slides
Rafal FilipowThe reaping and splitting numbers of nice idealsabstract
Miguel Angel Gaspar ArreolaMinimally generated Boolean algebras and its Stone space slides
Jan GrebíkAsymptotic Density in Generic Extensions slides
Oleg GutikPseudocompact inverse primitive (semi)topological semigroupsabstract slides
Osvaldo GuzmanMAD families and idealsabstract
KP HartSubcontinua of Hstarabstract slides
Peter HolySimplest Possible Locally Definable Wellordersabstract slides
Joanna JureczkoOn some problems concerning strong sequences slides
Paweł KlingaRearranging series of vectors on a small set slides
Wieslaw KubisUltrafilter selection properties slides
Adam KwelaOn a new $F_\sigma$ idealabstract slides
Robert LeekRadiality and compactificationsabstract slides
Richard LuptonThe Filter Dichotomy slides
Arturo Antonio Martínez Celis RodríguezPorous sets and Martin numbers. slides
Gregory McKayAbstract well and better quasi-orders.abstract slides
Andrea MediniSeven characterizations of non-meager P-filtersabstract slides
Jaroslav NešetřilHomomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits I slides
Jaroslav NešetřilHomomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits II slides
Jaroslav NešetřilHomomorphisms, Structural Ramsey Theory and Limits III slides
Honza PequignotWadge hierarchy on second countable spacesabstract slides
Max PitzCompactifications of $\omega^*\setminus\{x\}$abstract slides
Grzegorz PlebanekOn small measures on Boolean algebras and compact spacesabstract slides
Dilip RaghavanConstructing special almost disjoint families I slides
Dilip RaghavanConstructing special almost disjoint families II slides
Dilip RaghavanConstructing special almost disjoint families III slides
Ulises Ariet Ramos-GarcíaExtremal disconnectedness and ultrafiltersabstract slides
Héctor Gabriel Salazar PedrozaShelah's Easy Black Boxabstract slides
Lynn ScowRamsey classes of treesabstract slides
Damian SobotaOn tightness in the space of measures on Boolean algebras and compact spaces slides
Wojciech StadnickiGuessing principles in the Mathias model
Marcin StaniszewskiOn ideal equal convergenceabstract
Jan StarýUltraproduct of measures
Filip StrobinLarge free subgroups of automorphisms groups of ultrahomogeneous spacesabstract slides
Jonathan VernerThe last talk slides
Matteo VialeIterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras I slides
Matteo VialeIterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras II slides
Matteo VialeIterated forcing defined by means of Boolean algebras III slides
Marta WalczyńskaEmbeddability properties of $\sigma$-discrete metrizable spaces slides
Thilo WeinertPartition Relations for Linear Orders in a non-Choice-Context slides
Wolfgang WohofskyStrong measure zero and meager-shiftable in topological groups


Antonio AvilesA new C(K) space with few operators slides
Taras BanakhSolecki submeasures and densities on groups slides
Wojciech BielasGenerating Borel Measurable Functions with Continuous Functions slides
Piotr Borodulin-NadziejaHausdorff towers and gaps slides
Michal DečoStrongly Dominating Sets of Reals slides
Michal DouchaUniversal structures on the Urysohn universal space slides
Ahmad FarhatGenerating compact spaces from trees slides
Barnabás FarkasRepresentations of ideals in Polish groups and in Banach spaces slides
Jana FlaškováSome remarks concerning the van der Waerden ideal slides
Kevin FournierWadge Hierarchy of Difference of Analytic sets slides
Joanna GarbulińskaIsometric uniqueness of a complementably universal Banach space for Schauder decompositions slides
Edward GrzegorekOuter measure and hull property slides
Osvaldo Guzmán GonzálezNamba forcing and set theory of the reals
K. P. HartDimension(s) of compact F-spaces slides
Michael HrušákForcing with filters and ideals I. slides
Michael HrušákForcing with filters and ideals II. slides
Michael HrušákForcing with filters and ideals III. slides
Joanna JureczkoOn existence of independent sets in partially ordered sets slides
Zdzisław KosztołowiczGeneralizations of Strok-Szymański theorem slides
Mikolaj KrupskiSome new observations on the t-equivalence relation slides
Wieslaw KubisUniversal homomorphisms slides
Andrzej KucharskiA normally supercompact Parovicenko space slides
Adam KwelaIdeals represented on Polish spaces slides
Arturo Antonio Martínez Celis RodríguezCardinal invariants of porous sets. slides
Marta MartynenkoOn skeletally factorizable spaces slides
Magdalena NowakTopological classification of countable IFS-attractors slides
Yann PequignotBetween Bqo and Wqo: the space of ideals slides
Grzegorz PlebanekOn isomorphisms and embeddings of C(K) spaces slides
Omar SelimSubmeasures and signed measures slides
Jeffrey SerbusConfigurations of Cardinal Invariants Consistent with the P-ideal Dichotomy slides
Oleg SidorovThe innovative structure of point sets in terms of the next point principle slides
Slawomir SoleckiTukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals I. slides
Slawomir SoleckiTukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals II. slides
Slawomir SoleckiTukey reduction among analytic P-ideals and $\sigma$-ideals III. slides
Wojciech StadnickiWallman representations of hyperspaces slides
Jan StarýCompactness of the order-sequential topology slides
Jaroslav SupinaSequence selection principles for functions slides
Sławomir SzczepaniakSome remarks on splittings slides
Stevo TodorčevićForcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree I.
Stevo TodorčevićForcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree II.
Stevo TodorčevićForcing With a Coherent Souslin Tree III.
Sławomir TurekHereditarily supercompact spaces slides
Jan van MillUniquely homogeneous spaces I. slides
Jan van MillUniquely homogeneous spaces II. slides
Jan van MillUniquely homogeneous spaces III. slides
Zoltan VidnyanszkyBorel hulls of shy sets slides
Wolfgang WohofskyCharacterizing Strong Measure Zero Sets in Polish groups slides
Rachel Alisha ZachariahRandomness and Universality in Topological Spaces. slides
Jindřich ZapletalForcing Idealized I. slides
Jindřich ZapletalForcing Idealized II. slides
Jindřich ZapletalForcing Idealized III. slides
Lyubomyr ZdomskyyCovering properties and CDH filters slides


Jaroslav ŠupinaSpaces not mappable onto [0,1] slides
Taras BanakhSolecki submeasures and densities on groups
Marek BieniasIndependent Bernstein sets and algebraic constructions slides
Natasha DobrinenRamsey-classification theorems and applications in the Tukey theory of ultrafilters slides / paper
Todd EisworthSuccessors of Singular Cardinals I.
Todd EisworthSuccessors of Singular Cardinals II. slides
Todd EisworthSuccessors of Singular Cardinals III. slides
Peter EliašPermitted sets on Cantor group slides
Ahmad FarhatLocal connectedness and images of βH* slides
Barnabás FarkasCovering properties of ideals slides
Jana FlaškováThe generic existence of certain I-ultrafilters slides
Stefan GeschkeDefinable graphs on Polish spaces I. slides
Stefan GeschkeDefinable graphs on Polish spaces II. slides
Stefan GeschkeDefinable graphs on Polish spaces III. slides
Szymon Glabstrong algebrability of series and functions slides
Klaas Pieter HartApplications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces I. slides
Klaas Pieter HartApplications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces II. slides
Klaas Pieter HartApplications of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem to compact hausdorff spaces III. slides
Rodrigo Hernandez GutierrezCountable Dense Homogeneous Filters slides / paper
Radek HonzíkSupercompact cardinals and failures of GCH slides
István JuhászResolvability of topological spaces I. slides
István JuhászResolvability of topological spaces II. slides
István JuhászResolvability of topological spaces III. slides
Wieslaw KubiśUniversal homogeneous structures in ZFC slides
Grzegorz PlebanekSimple Boolean algebra with complicated space of measures slides
Szymon PlewikKatowice ”pattern” for the questions inspired by Czech mathematicians slides
Robert RalowskiTwo-point sets slides
Lajos SoukupVariations of Separability slides
Jan StaryCoherent ultrafilters on Boolean algebras slides
Egbert ThuemmelThe Horn-Tarski problem slides / paper
Zoltan VidnyanszkyCoanalytic Transfinite Constructions slides
Marta WalczyńskaKuratowski operations revisited slides
Thilo WeinertTransfinite ordinal partition relations and coloured finite digraphs slides
Marek WyszkowskiThe independence of the covering numbers of the ideals of splitting tree forcing and Sacks forcing slides
Teruyuki YoriokaSome results in the extension with a coherent Suslin tree slides
Teruyuki YoriokaKilling some S-spaces by a coherent Suslin tree slides


Jaroslav ŠupinaSequence selection principles for special convergences slides
Marek BalcerzakMonotone Borel hulls slides
Taras BanakhNetwork character and meager convergence in topological spaces slides
Artur BartoszewiczRemarks on ideal convergence slides
Tristan BiceProjections in the Calkin Algebra: Order Structure and Cardinal Invariants slides
Andreas BlassUltrafilters on Countable Sets I. slides
Andreas BlassUltrafilters on Countable Sets II. slides
Andreas BlassUltrafilters on Countable Sets III. slides
Piotr Borodulin-NadziejaSequential properties of space of measures slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorSubcompact Cardinals, Squares slides
Barnabás FarkasIdeals and almost disjoint sets slides
Jana FlaškováUniformity of the van der Waerden ideal slides
Szymon GlabIdeals with bases of unbounded Borel hierarchy slides
Rodrigo Hernandez-GutierrezRemote Points and Extremal Disconnectedness slides
Radek HonzikDistributivity of the Cohen forcing in larger universes slides
Archil KipianiOn Representations of Abstract Groups as Automorphism Groups of Graphs slides
Péter KomjáthDelta systems, set mappings
Péter KomjáthSet mappings, con't, polarized partition calculus
Péter KomjáthPartititon calculus
Andrzej KucharskiVery I-favorable spaces slides
Hiroaki MinamiMathias-Prikry forcing and dominating real slides
Lionel Nguyen Van TheStructural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics I. slides
Lionel Nguyen Van TheStructural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics II. slides
Lionel Nguyen Van TheStructural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics III. slides
Alex PrimavesiEmbedding structure for LOTSs slides
Karen RaeschA minimal Prikry-type forcing for singularizing a measurable cardinal slides
Robert RalowskiNonmeasurable partitions on the real line slides
Philipp SchlichtAutomatic ordinals and linear orders slides
Petr SimonAlmost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets I slides
Petr SimonAlmost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets II slides
Petr SimonAlmost Disjoint Refinement by Countable Sets III slides
Daniel SoukupGuessing clubs for aD, non D-spaces slides
Lajos SoukupPcf theory and cardinal invariants of the reals slides
Santi SpadaroSelection Principles and Dense Sets slides
Jan SpěvákMappings between posets of continuous functions
Michal StašPerfect set property slides
Andrzej StarosolskiExistence of ordinal ultrafilters and of P-hierarchy slides
Jonathan VernerUltrafilters generic over P(N)/I slides
Thilo WeinertPartition relations and coloured finite digraphs slides
Wolfgang WohofskyBorel Conjecture and Dual Borel Conjecture slides
Szymon ZeberskiNonmeasurability v.s. complete nonmeasurability slides


Jaroslav ŠupinawQN spaces slides
Aleksander BłaszczykTransversal and independent topologies slides
Piotr Borodulin-NadziejaMeasure recognition problems slides
Jörg BrendleAspects of iterated forcing (I., II., III., IV.) slides
Andrew Brooke-TaylorIndestructibility of Vopěnka Cardinal slides
David ChodounskýRapid Filters and Guided Gregorieff Forcing slides
Alan DowMoron maps and subspaces of N* slides
Alan DowMoron maps and subspaces of N* (under PFA) slides
Alan DowMoron maps and subspaces of N* (extending PFA) slides
Jana FlaškováRemarks on Q-points and Rapid Ultrafilters slides
Sy David FriedmanForcings which Preserve Large Cardinals slides
Rafal GruszczynskiShort introduction to mereology slides
Radek HonzíkLifting arguments slides
Istvan JuhaszConvergence and character spectra of compacta slides / paper
Zdzisław KosztołowiczCharacterizing Chainable and Tree-like Continua slides
Peter KrautzbergerSome new results on union ultrafilters slides
Wieslaw KubiśRetractive Linear Orderings slides
Andrzej KucharskiOpen-Open Game of Uncountable Length slides
Menachem MagidorCardinal Arithmetic / paper
Andrzej NowikMeasurable Hamel functions slides
Aleksandar PavlovićA "mean" sequence in Boolean algebras slides
Szymon PlewikOn skeletal maps slides
Alexander PrimavesiExtending the Classical Results on Club Guessing slides
Robert RalowskiLuzinnes on the Real Line slides
Marcin SabokForcing, ideals and degrees of reals slides
Daniel SoukupCross-like constructions and refinementsabstract slides
Lájos SoukupThe Joy of Elementary Submodels slides
Michal StašRegular properties on the real line slides
Victor Torres PerezWeak Reflection Principle, Saturation of NS and Diamonds slides
Szymon ZeberskiInscribing Baire-nonmeasurable sets slides


Jana FlaškováSome ultrafilters on natural numbers slides
Wieslaw KubisFinitely determined compacta slides
Osvaldo Alfonso Téllez NietoExtremally Disconnected Topological Groups slides
Ulises Ariet Ramos GarcíaCountable Fréchet Groups slides
Marcin SabokPlaying with forcing slides
Marcin SzyszkowskiWeak symmetry slides
Marcin KysiakOn Bernstein sets, kappa-coverings and quotient gr slides
Archil KipianiOn cardinalityes of automorphism groups of uniform slides
Piotr KalembaHausdorff gaps reconstructed from Luzin gaps slides
Henryk MichalewskiExamples of complete pairs of coanalytic sets slides
Jindřich ZapletalForcing and Ramsey Theorems slides
Ondřej ZindulkaEvery M-additive set is E-additive slides
Piotr KoszmiderExamples concerning generic sets slides
Aleksandar PavlovicSeveral Topologies on P(omega) slides
Boris ŠobotGames on Boolean Algebras of Uncountable Length slides
Sy David FriedmanForcing when there are Large Cardinals slides
Piotr KoszmiderSome examples concerning forcing slides
Uri AbrahamP-Ideal Dichotomy I. slides
Peter EliasOn additivity of permitted sets slides
Dana BartošováSpan and Chainability in Non-metric Continua slides
Uri AbrahamP-Ideal Dichotomy II. slides
Peter KrautzbergerForcing Constructions of Idempotent Ultrafilters slides
Thilo WeinertDoes BAAFA decide the size of the continuum? slides
Radek HonzíkGlobal failure of SCH and Easton functions slides
Szymon ZeberskiStructural properties of orderings on multisets slides
Uri AbrahamP-Ideal Dichotomy III. slides
Taras BanakhFinite chain condition and packing completeness fo slides
Tomáš PazákClassification of new reals slides
Piotr KoszmiderExamples concerning iterated forcing II slides